[email protected]

James Robinson would like to know if anyone can provide the colour of the Eldorado Ice Cream Vans. He is embarked on a restoration project.

[email protected]

James Robinson would like to know if anyone can provide the colour of the Eldorado Ice Cream Vans. He is embarked on a restoration project.


Contact us


If you wish to get in touch with others doing similar research to yourself into:

1) The early founders of Lyons or their associated families
2) Some aspect or location of the Lyons business.

We can add your name here on request.


[email protected] Does anyone have access to Fullers Cake recipes especially Fullers Chocolate Cake and Fullers Walnut Cake?

[email protected]

James Robinson would like to know if anyone can provide the colour of the Eldorado Ice Cream Vans. He is embarked on a restoration project.

[email protected]

Arden Phair is seeking information/relatives of Lucien Angelo Colarossi who was a bandleader in London before the Second World War. He played at the Trocadero Restaurant and Palm Springs Hotel among others. During the Second World war he was an airman and was killed in action on 4 April 1942 while a radio operator/air gunner on a Catalina flying boat in action with the Japanese in the Indian Ocean. Address:- Arden Phair, 19 Sarah Court, St Catherines, Ontario, Canada. L2S 3R6.

[email protected] 

Geoffrey Henderson is seeking information on the Glo-joy ice lolly product made by Dicky Bird Ltd (Ice Cream). Dicky Bird was renamed MICA (Ice Cream) Ltd in 1962/3.

[email protected] 

I am keen to learn anything, good or bad, about the Stall's relationship with Lyons. The Stall family collectively worked 379 years for the firm.

[email protected] 

I am looking for information about Lionel Falkman the band leader who worked at the Oxford Corner House - I am particularly interested in his photography and anyone who sat for a potrait or knows someone who did. Our gallery is having an exhibition of his marvelous portraits and we have few background details about Lionel Falkman. I would be most grateful if you could contact me.

Thank you, Gillian Cargill

[email protected]

I am researching film advertising and seek information on a tea advertising film (probably titled 'Teany') made in circa 1930 and shown at fairs and carnivals around the country from a Lyons mobile cinema.

[email protected]

I am trying to find any documentary evidence on the W. H. and F. J. Horniman & Co. Ltd business. Any information on any aspect of John Horniman's (1803-1893) life or career would be much appreciated.

[email protected]

I am researching the Glucksteins/Abrahams family, who were also tobacco manufacturers and would be pleased to hear from anyone else doing likewise.

[email protected]

Kevin Bean - I am researching the Joseph, Gluckstein, Salmon/Solomon and Moses families,and am happy to exchange any information.

[email protected]

Gavin Mortimer - 'I'm writing a book about life in London during the Blitz in 1940/41. If anyone worked or remembers eating in the Oxford Corner House or Coventry St Corner Houses I'd love to hear from you'.

[email protected]

Lee Finkelstein - I am researching the family of Samuel Lyons who was the brother of Joseph Lyons.  Samuel Lyons was my great grandfather. It would be great if you could add my contact details for others doing similiar research to myself.

[email protected]

Mrs Cheryl Johnson - Is currently engaged in researching the KOPPENHAGEN family and their links to the British tobacco industry and has traced the family back to the early 1700's. She would welcome contact with family members and is happy to share information with them. She is particularly interested in photographs depicting tobacco industry 'business' showing KOPPENHAGEN/ABRAHAMS/GLUCKSTEIN members.

[email protected]

Norman Joplin is looking for answers to the following questions about lead figures representing J.Lyons Waitress's,one of which is undoubtedly a "Nippy" Waitress.

:Q1 Can you confirm that the term "Nippy" could be translated as meaning fast or quick ?

Q2 Did J Lyons at any time before World War two have a teashop or any involvement with catering at London's Regent Park Zoo ?

Q3 Was the Nippy Chocolate box a J Lyons Product pre World WarTwo,? if so could you supply me with dates of production ?

Q4 The following may be legend,please confirm if possible. I am told  that the Lead Figure produced by Pixyland and later F Kew and  Company was a premium or give away item to Children in Lyons Corner House ?

Q5 Have you any information on the Coronation Processions which appeared in Lyons Corner House window at Marble Arch London for both the 1937 and 1953  Coronations ? I do know that the lead Toy Soldiers etc were supplied by Britain's Limited and I  believe that the procession was in the form of a mechanical display.The display appeared illustrated in an edition of Picture Post Magazine during the 50s.
