1903 |
First official
records of Tea and Coffee production |
White Label
tea |
This was one of the
first blends. The earliest prices available (the
date is not known) are: Yellow Label at 8d per
quarter pound, Blue Label at 8d per quarter pound
and Green Label at 9d per quarter pound. |
1909 Aug |
First official
records of Drinking Chocolate |
1919 |
Label |
Priced at 1/3d per
quarter pound. |
Label |
Priced at 1/2d per
quarter pound |
Label |
Priced at 1/1d per
quarter pound |
Label |
Priced at 1/- per
quarter pound. |
Label |
Priced at 11d per
quarter pound |
1921 |
In 1921 an
advertisement shows that the following teas were
for sale., Orange Label and Yellow Label appear to
have been dropped. |
Label |
3/- per
pound |
Label |
2/8d per
pound |
Label |
2/4d per
pound |
Label |
2/- per
pound |
1921 |
Lyons' Coffee
& Chicory Extract |
1929 |
Black &
Green |
1929 |
Black &
Green Dividend |
Bought by lower
income group. |
Horniman |
1930 |
Bev |
Named changed from
Lyons' Coffee & Chicory Extract. |
1930s |
Label |
Priced at 1/- per quarter
pound. During the 1930s, perhaps before, Lyons sold 2d packets (less
than 2 oz) of Blue Label tea |
1930s |
Yellow Label |
Priced at 11d per quarter
pound. During the 1930s, perhaps before, Lyons sold 1d packets (less
than 2 oz) of Yellow Label tea. |
Dividend |
Stamp |
1951 |
Lyons Pure
Ground Coffee Aroma Sealed |
It is not known
when this coffee was first produced. It came in a
green tin with a black panel on which was written
in yellow Lyons Coffee. Between this lettering was
written in green Pure Ground. On the bottom quarter
of the tin written in yellow was Aroma Sealed and
underneath that Half Pound Net. Price is not
known. |
Steve Joynt
1953 |
First Lyons teabags
on sale |
Dividend |
1967 |
Dividend Tea (Promotion) |
Heavily promoted with toys,
comics and games |
Primo Promotional toy
1967 Oct |
Brew |
Offer for glass
teapot. First in the World. Four stars from tea
packets plus 34/6d. Mrs Harold Wilson, wife of
Prime Minister presented with one. |
1968 Jan |
Tea & Biscuit
Sales Merged under John Gluckstein |
1969 |
Lyons French
Coffee |
Lyons Coffee
Original Blend |
1963 |
Lyons Coffee
American Blend |
Price 4/7d. |
Lyons Coffee
Continental Blend |
Price 4/7d |
1968 |
Lyons Coffee
Columbian Blend |
Lyons Coffee
Kenya Blend |
Very light roast
medium grind coffee. 8 ozs tins design and images
evocative of country of origin. Price 4/7d. |
Lyons Coffee
Brazilian Blend |
Medium roast medium
grind coffee. 8 ozs tins design and images
evocative of country of origin. Price 4/7p. |
1970 Jan |
Quick Brew
Indian Blend |
Predominantly an
Indian tea. Launched by Indian high
commissioner. |
Premium |
Black &
Greens Tea. |
1970 Mar |
Tea Division
becomes Lyons Groceries Ltd. John Gluckstein MD,
Frank Merry, Chairman. |
1970 |
Quick Brew Tea
Bags |
Bigger Tea Bags. In
sizes 36 bags, 72 bags and 144 bags. |
1971 Sep |
Silver Label
Tea |
First major new
brand for 10 years. Aimed at cheaper end of market
but no dividend stamp. Quarter pound packs. |
Brew |
Launched in half
pound packs. |
Lyons Treble
Dividend Tea |
Lyons Orange
Label |
Lyons Red
Label |
Economy Dividend |
Tetley Spoonful
Tea Bags |
A one-cup teabag.
100 teabags per box. |
Flavour-Flow Teabags |
Sizes 18 bags, 72
bags, 144 bags and 288 bags. |
Lyons Premium
Gold |
Black &
Green tea |
Tetley de Luxe
with Tags |
Size 36
bags. |
Tetley Blue Tea
bags |
Two cups can be
obtained from one teabag |
Tetley Red Label
Tea Bags with Tags |
1973 |
Bags |
Experimental coffee
bags introduced. |
1973 Jul |
Tins |
New design. |
1974 Mar |
Teabags |
Re-launch with new
logo and pack design |
1974 April |
Bags |
nationally. Made from pure ground coffee and dried
coffee extract with 60 beans to each bag. Four
minute infusion time. Packs of 39 for 42p. (initial
launch packs had 3p off). |
1974 May |
Lyons Tetley
Silver Label Tea |
Low priced quality
tea. A substitute for dividend teas. Sales hit
£1 million in five months. |
1974 Jul |
Tetley Tea
Folk |
Launched on
National television by Lyons Tetley. First created
by Wyatt Cattaneo Animation Studio. |
1973 |
Lyons 250
Superior Teabags |
2-3 cup
teabags. |
Lyons Quality
Tea |
3lb pack. |
Lyons Economy
Tea |
3lb pack. |
Lyons Superior
Tea |
3 lb pack. |
de Luxe Curzon
Teabags |
In 120 teabag
cartons |
Superior City
Teabags |
In 250 teabag
cartons and 500 Polybag packs. |
Economy Country
Blend |
100 teabag cartons
and 400 Polybag packs. |
Lyons Premium
Tea |
Premium Tea |
Black &
Green Premium Tea |
1974 Nov |
Lyons Coffee
Viennese Blend with Fig Seasoning |
Price for 8 oz tin
41p. |
1975 Mar |
Quick Brew New
Pack Design |
1975 May |
New Packs for
Premium Teas |
Lyons Premium Tea,
Hornimans Premium Tea and Black & Green Premium
Tea. |
1977 Jun |
Silver Label Tea
Bags |
Test marketing in
Midlands TV area commenced in June. Frank Auton
Silver Label's brand manager. Price 67p per 72 bag
pack. Packed in red and silver pouches. |
1977 Sep |
Ground Coffee
and Roasted Barley |
Launched to try and
combat the rising cost of coffee. £1.19 for 8
oz tin was said to be one third less than other
quality coffees and made more cups per tin. Philip
Robinson Lyons Tetley brand manager for
coffee. |
Small Pack
Coffee Bags |
Now available in 4
oz packs which contain 20 bags for 80p. |
1980 Jan |
Changeover to
metrication weights - lb packets became 125g, just
over 10% more. lb became 250g and teabags were
packed 40 to the carton instead of 36, 80 instead
of 72 and 160 instead of 144. Prices increased by
10% to take account of the additional tea in the
products. Imperial weights continued until 29 June
1980. |
1980 Sep |
Coffee |
Filter coffee
introduced in resealable 8 oz tine. Silver and
Brown design. Complements the 4 oz sachet. The
first Lyons Tetley to carry a bar code. |
1981 Jan |
Teabags (Caterers) |
New catering range
of teabags launched. In packs of 100, 500, 1,000
and 2,000. One cup size. |
1981 Feb |
Teabags |
These were produced
for the hotel trade when tea making facilities were
offered in guests' rooms. They came in a small
envelope with Tetley Tea printed on them. The tea
blend was Indian. |
1981 May |
Beans |
Coffee beans test
marketed by Lyons Tetley for first time. Launched
in Southern TV area. New range includes Brazilian,
Keyan and Continental blends. Packed in 4 oz foil
pouches (to make about 20 cups). Recommended price
60p. Brand Manager Philip Robinson. Coffee bean
market hitherto dominated by specialist coffee
shops. |
Pure Gold
Instant Coffee |
A range created for
Lyons Tetley Catering. Pure Gold was a quality
freeze-dried coffee. |
Special Blend
Instant Coffee |
Special Blend was a
traditional powder.Packed in 500g and 750g
tins. |
Blend Coffee |
Continental Blend
was coffee and chicory.Continental 500g tin. |
1981 Jun |
Speciality Teas |
Assam, Ceylon,
Darjeeling, Earl Grey and Lapsang Souchong. All
available in packet and teabag except Lapsang
Souchong which is packets only. |
Lyons Tetley
Catering Division restructured as a beverage only
operation with concentration on: teas, coffees
(including instant coffee), fruit squashes, fruit
juice, instant milk, non dairy cream, equipment,
filter papers, coasters and advertising
material. |
1981 Sep |
Filter Coffee
Aids |
Filter cone and
filter bags launched. Filter cone was 102 size.
Filter bags 40 per pack |
1988 Jul |
Teabags |
The first
decaffeinated teabag from a large manufacturer in
the UK. Containing less than 0.2 per cent. Price
31.29 for a pack of 40 bags. |
Special Reserve
Teabags |
Consisting of 70
per cent top-quality second flush Indian teas from
Assam which was only available for about six weeks
of the year. Packaged in oval drum in red, black
and gold. |
1989 May |
Teabags |
The World's first
round teabags. took five years research. |