1930 |
Kup |
Vanilla ice cream.
priced at 2d. |
See.above..................... |
. |
Ice Cream
Kup |
Vanilla or
strawberry and vanilla. Priced at 3d |
See above |
. |
Kup |
Priced at
4d. |
See above |
. |
Ice Cream
Bricklet |
Priced at 6d |
See above |
. |
Ice Cream
Brick |
Priced at
1/-d. |
See above |
. |
Mammoth Ice
Cream Brick |
Priced at
1/6 |
See above |
. |
Bar. |
Ice cream. Paper
covering. Priced at 2d |
See above |
. |
Ice-Pole |
Circular ice cream
with paper wrapping priced at 2d. |
See above |
. |
Ice |
Vanilla and coffee
flavoured ice cream coated in chocolate. Priced at
2d. |
See above |
1950. |
Cake |
Hand made and
consisting of layers of pistachio, strawberry and
vanilla ice creams inter-layered with slices of
sponge cake. Decorated with creamy scrolls and
glacé cherries and encircled with a gold
band. Originally made for catering trade they were
made available to public in 1952. |
. |
1951 |
Fruta |
Ice lollies. Water
based. |
. |
Kreems |
Ice lollies.
Contained milk solids. |
. |
1954. |
Maid |
Ice lolly launched
as drink on a stick. Made from frozen fresh orange
juice, foil wrapped and sold for 6d |
. |
1953. |
Coronation Kup |
.  |
. |
Mivvi |
Ice cream on a
stick with frozen strawberry-juice shell. |
. |
1956 |
Soft Ice
Cream |
Soft ice cream was
introduced following the successful development of
special equipment. This was sold to shops and
caterers who could dispense it into cones direct
from the machines. |
. |
April/May |
Zoom was introduced
in April/May 1963 as part of the Steve Zodiac
Fireball XL5 TV programmes.
Lyons Maid first 6d
ice lolly. Shaped like a rocket, with lime, lemon
and strawberry flavours place in horizontal stripes
of colour. Picture cards put in wrappers for first
Jet |
Ice lolly based
around the TV series Stingray. Priced at 4d. the
lollies were available in four flavours vanilla,
strawberry, lemon and orange. The Super Sea Jet
(which cost 2d. more) had three flavours in one,
mint and vanilla dipped in chocolate. |
1963 Jun 17 |
Pick of the
Pops |
Ice lolly launched
priced 8d. It had a combination of coffee and
advocaat flavours and was coated in milk chocolate
with biscuit pieces. Supported by TV
advertising. |
1964 Mar |
Caterers Ice
Cream |
Pomadour Dolls,
Teddy Bears and various fruits Exhibited at
Hotelympia for catering trade. |
1966 |
Fruit Parfait
(Cinema Ice Cream) |
This product broke
the 2/- barrier when first introduced. up to then
it was felt that cinema-goers would not pay more
that 2/- for their ice creams |
1967 May |
Fab |
Ice lolly on stick.
Launched nationally. Designed primarily for the 3
million girls in Britain aged 5-15. Based around
Gerry Anderson's Thunderbirds TV series. Lady
Penelope's Rolls Royce number plate was FAB 1.
Priced at 6d it consisted of strawberry fruit ice
and vanilla ice cream with top dipped in chocolate
and coated with 'hundreds and thousands' sugar
confectionery. |
1967 Sep |
Caterers Ice
Cream |
Seven new lines of
caterers ice cream was launched in the Autumn of
1967. Peach Slice. Layers of peach and raspberry
ice cream with peach sorbet centre made up in a
cassata-shape. Egg Caramel. Triangles of egg and
vanilla ice cream surrounded with a caramel ice
cream. Tutti Frutti Whirl. Flavoured Tutti Frutti
and strawberry ice cream presented in a new 'kup'
design. Orange Gateau. Layers of orange and vanilla
ice cream decorated with candied orange slices and
chocolate whirls. Strawberry Peach Gateau. Chopped
peaches blended in strawberry ice cream. New bulk
ice cream in Butterscotch and Strawberry Ripple
flavours. |
Napoli |
Italian-style bulk
ice cream served from cabinets in cones. Test
market in selected areas. Went national in March
1970. |
1968 May |
Orbit |
Rocket shaped lolly
based on Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons. Priced
at 9d. it resembled Zoom and was flavoured
chocolate and orange. |
Cornet |
A new range of King
Cornets were introduced with Frankie Howerd doing
the TV commercials. Priced at 1/-. It is not known
when the King Cornet was first introduced. |
Gondola |
Six entirely new
kind of novelty ice creams were test marketed, in
different parts of the UK, during the 1968 season.
The Gondola range of three Italian-style ice creams
were in different packaging. One in a cone, the
other two in hand-held kups. Designed for the adult
market, with a recommended selling price of 1/6,
they came in three varieties: Mocca, a coffee ice
cream with chocolate chips and chocolate sauce;
Cassata, a strawberry ice cream with a core of
tuttie frutti; and Cherry, a cherry flavoured ice
cream with a glacé cherry and cherry sauce.
Originally some of the test marketing included a
strawberry fruit ice topped with strawberry biscuit
crump. Some kups were: vanilla and mandarin
&endash; Italian-style vanilla ice cream and a
mandarin fruit ice containing mandarin pieces.
Vanilla and raspberry &endash; an Italian-style
vanilla ice cream with a raspberry fruit ice
sprinkled with raspberry pieces. The test markets
were Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of
Wight. |
Playpacks |
A novelty ice cream
created for children to test new markets. There
were two types in the range. Playboat holding a
cargo of vanilla ice cream and an orange ice cream,
and Playcar, fuelled with a vanilla ice cream and a
raspberry ice cream. When the ice cream had been
eaten &endash; a plastic spoon was provided for
each product &endash; the container could be used
as a toy. The recommended retail price was 9d. The
test market area was Bristol and several major
seaside resorts in the West Country. |
Scene |
This was designed
for teenagers and like the previous Gondola and
Playpacks, was created to test the market. It
consisted of raspberry and vanilla ice cream
rippled with a blackcurrant sauce and packed in a
container with a push-up stick. Scene was made to
test teenagers response to new ideas in ice cream.
The recommended retail price was 1/3. The test
market s were south and south-east Kent. |
Save-and-Serve-Again |
During 1968 Lyons
Maid test marketed near-litre size ice cream packs
in selected supermarkets, self-service stores,
grocers and confectioners throughout Greater London
and parts of the home counties. The new packs were
Strawberry Ripple, Cornish Dairy and Chocolate
Ripple (a vanilla ice cream laced with chocolate
sauce) ice cream. The former two were sold already
sold in 2/6d. and 2/9d cartons respectively and the
new range were 4/9d |
1968 May |
Gaiety |
An ice cream brick
take home dessert. Made up in a chequered style of
vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavours. Priced
at 2/6 |
1968 May |
American Style
Take Home |
In May 1968 a new
range of take home ice creams were launched on the
British market. Designed as a after dinner dessert
the bricks were priced at 3/-. I was hoped that
consumers might also buy the ice cream in the
winter. The flavours were: Mint Choc Chip,
peppermint ice cream with real chocolate chip.
Double Choc Ripple, consisted of a dark chocolate
sauce swirled into a smooth chocolate ice cream.
Maple Walnut was a maple walnut flavoured ice cream
sprinkled with chopped walnuts and rippled with a
maple syrup sauce. It is thought that Raspberry
Surprise was added. |
1968 Nov |
Yoghurt |
Test market of
'evening ice cream'. Made from frozen yoghurt three
different lines were made. Battenburg consisted of
vanilla and strawberry chequered frozen yoghurt
surrounded by coffee ice cream It sold for 3/6d for
a five-portion pack. Strawberry Ripple Roll was
frozen vanilla yoghurt rippled with a sauce made
from crushed strawberries and wrapped in a soft
chocolate sponge. Providing four portions it sold
for 3/-. Partners was a twin pack of strawberry and
vanilla yoghurt topped with chocolate sugar whirls.
Initial marketing took place in London and the home
counties. |
1968 |
Sundae |
Introduced into
cinemas. |
1969 Feb |
Mousse |
Based on Playpacks,
first test marketed in 1968, the individual moulds,
designed for children, were shape like a
Racing-Car, a Doll's House and a Boat which could
be used as toys when the contents had been eaten.
all packs were available in tree flavours;
strawberry, lemon and chocolate and were priced at
9d. A family size was also available in a Jelly
Mould shape for 2.6d. The mousse had to be thawed
one hour before it could be eaten. |
1969 Mar |
Encore |
A luxury ice cream
designed for the cinema trade at the very 'high'
price of 3/-. it was designed specifically for
road-shows &endash; the book-in-advance films such
as Doctor Zhivago. It was the first ice cream to be
sold in cinemas with a liqueur added. Cherry brandy
was chosen because of its positive flavour. to this
were added cherries and a cherry brandy ice cream
parfait. Encore was packaged in a wedgwood-blue
plastic container with a wrapped plastic spoon
clipped to the lid. The packaging won an award in
the Institute of Packaging's 1970 Starpacks
contest. |
1969 Mar |
Smash |
A new range of
children's ice lollies costing 4d. It came in four
flavours: orange, strawberry, banana/chocolate and
strawberry/vanilla. Advertising was linked to the
Thunderbirds TV programme. The launch was linked to
a promotional camera offer. |
Super Sea
Jet |
This was a
re-formulated version of Sea Jet with a price
increase to 6d. There were two versions:
raspberry/orange and strawberry/vanilla with a
choc-dipped nose cone. |
1969 May 12 |
Luv |
A lolly similar to
Fab aimed at girls 10-15 years. Three quarters
covered in chocolate and hundreds and thousands and
costing 9d. Backed by TV advertising and
opportunity to collect a set of picture pop stars.
additionally there was a range of other promotional
material such as wall charts and T-shirts. |
1969 Jul |
Range |
Thought to be a
cinema line. No details available. |
1969 Sep |
Strawberry 'n'
Pear (Take Home Bricks) |
Priced at 2/6
Strawberry 'n' Pear bricks consisted of strawberry
ice cream ripled with strawberry puree, with a
centre of pear water ice. It was the only
pear-flavoured ice cream on the market and was
designed for the take-home trade. |
Packs |
Flavours include
Neapolitan, Raspberry Ripple and Vanilla. Made at
Liverpool factory. |
Bars |
Price 7d. made at
Liverpool. |
Bar |
Price 6d. Made at
Liverpool |
1970 Mar |
Handy Pack &
Family Bricks |
A new range of
take-home bricks were launched in March with the
packaging carrying ice cream recipes. Devised by
Susan Owen, Lyons Maid's home economist, a
different recipe is printed on each of the six
cartons to match the flavour of the ice cream in
the carton. For example for a vanilla Handy Pack,
Susan's recipe was called Sunshine Sundae and to
the ice cream would be added marmalade and chopped
walnuts. |
1970 Mar |
Orange and
Pineapple Sundae |
This was an
addition to the Goblet Range of cinema ice creams
with a price of 2/-. It had vertical sections of
Cornish dairy ice cream and orange water ice with
crushed pineapple pieces. |
1970 Mar |
Cornish Peach
Surprise |
An ice cream
designed for cinema audiences which was on sundae
on a stick. It consisted of Cornish dairy ice
cream, rippled with raspberry sauce and covered in
a jacket of peach water ice. Packed in a carton it
looked attractive on the cinema sales tray. It was
priced at 1/6. |
Rev |
Three-flavour ice
lolly with cola water ice, pineapple kreem ice and
strawberry water ice. All at 7d. Accompanied by
free racing car promotion. |
1970 May |
King Sundae
Pineapple |
This was an
addition to the King Range, in-hand products, for
adults. with a recommended price of 1/6d the
newcomer is a blend of pineapple sorbet and vanilla
ice cream rippled with pineapple sauce and its
launch coincided with a new plastic-style packaging
for the whole range. |
1970 May |
Quench |
A 10d. iced lolly
for children. |
Bar |
A strawberry
flavoured ice cream bar for children costing
7d |
Super Orange
Maid |
Orange Maid, the
orange drink on a stick, was re-launched as Super
Orange Maid and came to the customer in a new red,
orange and gold wrap. The recommended price was
1/-. |
1970 Aug |
New Taste
Mousse |
Three new-style
mousse lines were launched in August. All were dual
flavoured, presented in single portion fluted jelly
mould containers. The varieties were: raspberry and
vanilla topped with raspberry sauce; orange and
vanilla topped with orange sauce; and apricot and
vanilla with chopped fruit cocktail. |
1970 Sep |
Cassata |
A new ice cream
brick Super Complete Sweet Cassata was launched in
September in an effort to improve winter sales.
Consisting of vanilla ice cream, surrounding a band
of chocolate ice cream with a centre of tutti
frutti ice cream containing sultanas and chopped
glacé cherries and angelica. Recommended
price was 3/3d |
1971 Apr |
Twenty new products
were re-launched in 1971 towards the younger
generation. These and all existing packs were
radically redesigned. Prices too were adjusted to
decimal currency and in general all prices were
increased.Three original ice lollies for children
were launched. Two at the popular price of 2p. the
other at 5p. |
Frutie Blue Ice
Lolly |
Priced at 2p.
exceeded sales target by 114 per cent. |
Cola Rola Ice
Lolly |
Priced at 2p.
Exceeded sales target by 86 per cent |
Squeezes Ice
Lolly |
Lemon, lime and
grapefruit. Priced at 5p. Exceeded sales plan by 35
per cent. |
Glory |
Sale price
7p. |
Glory |
Sale price
7p. |
1971 Sep |
Save & Serve
Again |
Double-sized ice
cream pack introduced nearly three years ago to
help dealers sell more ice cream at one time and
the housewife to have a reserve of ice cream in the
fridge. Cornish Choc Ices went on test market sale
on 23 August. Priced at 24p. |
1971 Oct |
Ripple |
Restyled with added
vitamin 'C' to give ice cream a special appeal to
winter sweet. Price 15p. |
1972 Mar |
Mr Merlin's
Magic Purple Potion |
A lolly for
children with a recommended price of 3p. Purple in
colour. |
Zoom |
A new formula and
new name keeping its rocket shape. Price not
available. |
Prince |
flavour and colour. Price 3p. |
Jim |
banana-flavoured shell enclosing a pink spearmint
core. Price 3p. |
Pole |
A lemon/lime water
ice for young children. Price 1p |
Choco |
A vanilla ice cream
in a chocolate coating on a stick for children.
Price 5p. |
Angel |
For teenage girls,
a strawberry and vanilla kreem ice, half of it choc
coated. Price not known. |
Jack of
Diamonds |
For both teenage
sexes a coffee-flavoured ice cream in a choc 'n'
biscuit coating. Price not known. |
Satin |
Vanilla ice cream
coated in dark chocolate at 5p. |
Cracker |
Hazelnut pieces in
a vanilla ice cream with dark chocolate coating at
6p |
Gold |
Slices of vanilla
and caramel ice cream with a light chocolate
coating at 6p. |
Treasure |
Cornish dairy ice
cream with a super-fine dark chocolate coating at
7p. |
Jack |
A hand-held water
ice for adults. Flavoured with Herefordshire cider
at 6p. |
Strawberry Ripple |
at 18p. |
Napoli Vanilla
Brick |
A take-home version
of the Napoli Italian-style ice cream until now
only available as an in hand line. Price not
available. |
1972 Apr |
Treats |
Mousse with a core
of cream packed in plastic coloured cups and priced
at 6p. Flavours: strawberry and cream, chocolate
and cream and peaches and cream. Three other types
included: a trifle consisting of a ring of mousse
filled with sponge, raspberry jelly and raspberry
juice the whole topped with real cream. The other
two were ice cream treats. One was Mandarin &
Chocolate &endash; mandarin-flavoured ice cream
shell with a centre of chocolate ice cream and
chocolate flakes. The other Strawberry Sorrento
&endash; a strawberry ice cream shell filled with
fruit cocktail, vanilla ice cream and melba sauce.
the price of these were 8p |
Gold |
A luxury vanilla
ice cream that can be taken to the table and served
from the container. Containing a half litre the
container had a gold design around the sides and a
gold top. It was the first plastic container of its
type on the ice market. |
Velvet Lady
Coffee |
A half gallon
see-through plastic container for home freezers.
Price not available. |
Velvet Lady
Cornish |
A half gallon
see-through plastic container for home freezers.
Price not available. |
Chocolate |
A half gallon
see-through plastic container for home freezers.
Price not available. |
Ripple |
A half gallon
see-through plastic container for home freezers.
Price not available. |
Vanilla |
A half gallon
see-through plastic container for home freezers.
Price not available. |
1972 May |
Bricks |
Two new take-home
bricks launched in May. Pineapple Surprise and
Coffee Surprise. The former is vanilla ice cream
rippled with through with pineapple sauce,
sandwiching a pineapple sherbet centre. Coffee
Surprise is a vanilla ice cream with coffee sauce,
and a centre of coffee ice cream. Price 18p. |
Showboats |
Catering lines of
single-portion cups comprising four flavours.
Vanilla, Strawberry & Vanilla, Chocolate &
Vanilla and coffee with coffee rippled vanilla.
Each cup had a showboat paddle steamer on its side
and top. |
Zippy |
A catering range of
pre-sliced portions of ice cream wrapped on four
side and 'unzipped' for service. Four flavours
included Neapolitan, Strawberry Stripes (a
combination of strawberry ice cream and strawberry
rippled ice cream), Tutti Frutti and Vanilla.
Invented by Harold Boon, Production Manager. |
1973 Apr |
Sweets |
A revamped range of
take-home ice cream. Family Sweets covering small,
medium and large packs consisted of six varieties
&endash; a new chocolate flavour ice cream brick,
and four well-established favourites &endash;
vanilla, Strawberry ripple, raspberry ripple and
three flavoured Neapolitan Gaiety. Available in
sizes from 11 fl ozs to one litre. |
Treats |
This range included
six more ranges. Peach Swirl, Raspberry Swirl and
Strawberry Swirl which met a demand for ice cream
and sorbet. Double Choc Ripple with a new sauce,
Hazelnut Surprise with more nuts and Pineapple
Surprise. |
Devil |
A strawberry water
ice with a vanilla kreem ice centre for children
priced at 3p |
Cody |
A combination of
cream soda water ice with raspberry kreem centre.
Price 3p. |
Terror |
A strawberry jelly
centre with a vanilla kreem ice shell and a choc
dipped top covered in sugar strands. Price
4p. |
Frekles |
A vanilla ice cream
bar with choc chips. Price 4p. |
Out |
A strawberry and
lemon ice cream marbled together to form a
psychedelic pattern on a stick. Price 5p. |
Smash |
Blackcurrant water
ice priced at 2p. |
Smash |
Cola water ice and
priced at 2p. |
Seville |
A vanilla bar for
adults with orange choc chips at the recommended
retail price of 6p. |
Secret |
A vanilla bar with
mint choc chips for adults at 6p. |
Mivvi |
A pineapple fruit
ice surrounding a centre of vanilla ice cream. It
joined the Raspberry Mivvi both with a price of
6p. |
1973 Jul |
House |
A special process
was used to produce this range by printing pictures
on the ice cream. There were eight different
pictures. Frankenstein's Monster, a spook, a
skeleton, spider and web, some bats, a wicket witch
and a creature bearing a vague resemblance to Jelly
Terror's mother-in-law. The pictures appeared on
the ice cream in pink, orange, red, green and blue
edible colouring. Children did know what picture
they would get until the wrapper had been removed.
Price 4p.
1973 Oct |
Tutti Frutti
Take Home |
New take-home packs
at 24p |