If you
wish to get in touch with past colleagues
you can add your name here.
John Niemiec
[email protected]
'I would like to contact
anyone who knew Paul Niemiec (Chef in the Kitchens Department)
or his wife Margaret Niemiec (nee English) who was a Nippy.(Oct.06)' |
[email protected]
McGinley would like to contact anyone who trained at the
Coventry Street Corner House during 1961/63 and anyone who
worked in the London Steak Houses (particularly the Swiss
Cottage Steak House) after this date. He would particularly
like to contact Jimmy O'Leary. |
Smith [email protected]
Smith, Managing Director of the Regent
Palace Hotel is trying to contact people
who worked in the Regent Palace Hotel,
Strand Palace Hotel and Trocadero
[email protected]
I would
love to hear from anyone who has memories
of my late father, John Stokes, who worked
for J Lyons for more than 60 years and
died in 1967. He started in the Checking
Department at Cadby in 1904, later working
in the Stock Department and the
Engineering Department before becoming the
first Secretary of Normand Ltd in 1921.
Thirteen years later he was made Manager
of Normand, and was appointed to the Board
in 1957. He was still serving on the
Normand Board in 1964, when his 60th
anniversary of service was marked by the J
Lyons directors with the presentation of a
gold watch which I still proudly wear on
my wrist each day.
[email protected]
i would
like to get in touch with old colleagues I
worked with between 1968 and 1970 at
Olympia, where i worked as a waitress for
Lyons catering for the exhibition
[email protected]
I was an
Area Manager for Lyons Maid until 1980, I
am looking to make contact with ex Lyons
Maid personal for an invitation to our
annual re-union in March/April, if
possible to ring evenings on 01626 865159
and ask for John Potts, 99 Kingsdown
Crescent, Dalwish, Devon, EX7 OHD. John
was a fellow Manager and organises the
[email protected]
My Mum, Ruby Lewis,
worked at J. Lyons in Balham, south London, in the l940s.
She had a friend there calleded Pat Cheeseman. Mum has a
lovely photo of herself with Pat so if anyone knows what
happened to Pat I'd be pleased to pass the information on
to Mum who still talks of her old friend very fondly.
My Mum
worked at the Strand Corner House in the
early 1950s, she will be 80 this year
and I am compiling a memories book. Would
any colleagues who remembers her please
contact me. My mother's name was Elizabeth
Telfer, nee Halliday and she was from
[email protected]
worked at the Marble Arch Corner House
from 1969 to 1973 in the Star Grill. I had
wonderful fun in the Star Grill and would
love to hear from any of my contemporaries
still around.(Jan.03) '