First Food Empire: A History of J. Lyons
& Co.'
I found
this book on the Internet and thoroughly
enjoyed it. Once into it I couldn't put it
down. Peter Bird - the author - himself a
long term Lyons employee, spent six years
in its research and it covers every
section of the company. It includes some
interesting observations on why the
company went to the wall and of course an
account of its beginnings.
by Phillimore & Co.Ltd. of Chichester
in year 2000. 400 pages and 240
illustrations. Available from
at ..........£25.00
Or direct from Phillimore
& Co. Their
telephone number is +44 (0)1243 787636.
Address is: Phillmore & Co Ltd, Madam Green Farm (Business
Centre), Oving, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 2DD. England.
For book sales contact: NPI
Media Group Ltd, The Mill, Brimscombe Port, Stroud, Gloucestershire,
GL5 2QG. Tel: 01453 883300.
Alternatively contact Peter Bird, 4 Luckley Wood, Wokingham, Berkshire. RG41 2EW. Tel 0118 978 1922 email [email protected]