Corner Houses Corner House Restaurants - (12) Strand Corner House - (23) Royal Garden Parties - (26) J. Lyons International Peter-Al Bakery ; St. Petersburg - (11) Lyons Bakery - Bakery Salesman - Fred Curtis - (14) Harvest Pie - (1) Industrial Espionage - (3) Kup Kake Development - (6) Van Boy - (20) Kunzle Showboats - (24) Bakery School - (31) Lyons Club Lyons Club Sports Ground - (19) Recollections of the Lyons Club - (30) Lyons Maid Ice Cream as a collectable - (15) Lyons Tea Tea Salesman - William Stanley - (7) Steak Houses Celebrities - (17) Teashops - A Day in the Life of a Saturday Boy - (28) A Front Shop 'Sally' - (27) The early days - (21) Porter at a Teashop - (25) Teashop refurbishment - (2) Teashop Experimental Department - (4) Teashop Maintenance - (5) Teashop memories - (29) Women's role in Teashop Management - (8) The 'Sell by' date and its Observance in Teashops - (9) Overseas J. Lyons Overseas Activities - (10) J. Lyons in the Netherlands - (16) The violet coloured cake - (18) Works Dept - Cadby Hall Electricians The boy electrician - (22)
If you are an ex-employee of J. Lyons & Co - in whatever capacity - you are invited to contribute here. Please keep your essays factual as verification will not always be possible.