
Factory Index







The Abbey Road Factory manufactured Lyons Teashop counter and kitchen equipment and overhauled Ice Cream cabinets. It was situated adjacent to Normand Garage vehicle service facilities in the Park Royal Industrial Estate.

- Snelling (Factory Manager)
J. Renolds (Stores Manager)
B. Skeet (Stores Supervisor)
B. Bye (Plate Shop Superintendent)
T. Whitlock (Plate Shop Foreman)
J. Sealy (Office)
B.Thurley (Office)
- Jefford (Drawing Office)
C. Smith (Teashop Maintenance Manager)
J. Jolliffe ( Teashop Maintenance)
W. Anneveld (Experimental Shop)
W. Metherall (Experimental Shop)
B. Gleed (Experimental Shop)
A. Doel (Experimental Shop)
R. Willshire (Pattern Shop)
