Most of the deaths
recorded here have been obtained from the various
staff publications issued by J. Lyons & Co Ltd
and more recently by Allied Domecq plc. Of these,
some died while still in employment but the
majority are deaths recorded are of pensioners. It
is not known what criteria was used to record the
deaths of employees, and retirees, prior to 1946
when the Lyons first pension fund was constituted.
From an inspection of the early Lyons Mail
magazines, which were originally published to
report the activities of the Lyons Sports Club, few
deaths were recorded. First published in April
1913, the first obituary appeared in the Lyons Mail
issue of December 1914. It recorded the death of
Henry (Harry) Gluckstein (08.11.1914), and of
Albert Morris Marks (16.09.1914). A third death was
also recorded of Edward Craven (22.09.1914) who was
killed while serving on HMS Aboukir during the
First World War. Hardly any deaths are recorded of
one-time employees who left to take up employment
elsewhere, and who subsequently died
only limited, irregular coverage of deaths appeared
in the Lyons Mail magazines from 1914, more regular
coverage of deaths were given from 1963 and, from
May 1985 when the new style Lyons Mail was
published, all pensioner deaths appear to have been
recorded. This arrangement continued, through
various issues of pensioner magazines, until
September 2003 when all staff publications ceased.
A few dependent pensioners (wives/husbands of
pensioners), some of whom worked for Lyons but left
before pensions were introduced, have been added to
the list. Likewise, some who left to take up
appointments elsewhere, and who were not Lyons
pensioners but have since died, have also been
added. Some issues of the various publications have
not been inspected at all and therefore this
list is incomplete. Those deaths due to wartime
activities are recorded on the Lyons war memorials.
publications and sources which have been consulted
The Lyons Mail
The Lyons Journal
Happy Retirement (a 12 page insert in Choice
magazine and published by Allied-Lyons)
Now & Then (published by Allied Domecq plc)
Various newspaper obituaries
Contact with families
note. Where year of death is recorded caution
should be exercised. The year dates are the dates
that deaths were published and in some cases death
may have occurred earlier. For example a death
recorded in 2001 may have actually occurred in
2000. This is particularly relevant on the later
issues of the Now & Then journal as it was
issued quarterly. Relatives who are searching these
records are invited to report any
If any family member of a Lyons employee - provided
that employee was a pensioner, retiree without
pension or died in Lyons service - notices an
omission and would like a line entry or an obituary
be added to the list, please contact
us with the